Lack of references guitar technique will make people become less confident and seemed less experienced in playing the guitar, this kind of skill is not only obtained in a short time. But a brief moment in hawah 5 might help if you practice it consistently for at least 2 months, and every day selamma 1 to 2 hours.
Kick 1: Do not Forget Lock
The key is the lifeblood of the guitar. Without the key, even though we know all the tricks rhythm, guaranteed we will never know what kind of sound. Learn all the basic keys such as C, D, E, F, (3, A, B) and all forms of minor and # (except for use of Bb Key B). Usually a book about these keys are sold freely on the market. One tip to remember, in fact its shape is so-so only. Do not be dizzy with different names. Example: if the key of C is shifted as far as 2nd fret D will generate keys, but the same shape, only its location berbeda.silahkan understood the key layout and the pattern, because basically the key is a combination of various tones
Kick-2: Two Basic Technique
Excerpt: When picking a guitar, does not need to be thought of as the song "Another Day" by Dream Theater. In contrast, Pick with 3 simple as the following example:
Note the position of the fingers: the thumb for 3 stringed bass, while the other three strings are plucked by the third finger on the image.
Simplification: thumb = 1, index finger = 2, middle finger and ring finger = 3 = 4.
1. L 1-2-3.4.3-2 with moving bass
2. 1-2-3-4-2 with 34 drawn together
3. 1234 with 234 concurrent learned as much as 3x.
Once you nmencoba three, Combine all TECHNIQUE! Play a song KKEB not a dream anymore.
Rhythm: This is something that is actually simple. If other street just good technique, why do not we? The main reason this incapacity is the lack of exercise. If you're really serious, take the time to train at least 1 hour a day. Exercise: For simple rhythm rhythm is divided into downward and upward. For downward and upward = l = 2.
1. 1-1-2-2-1
2. 1-2-2-1-2-2-1
Kick 3. Do not Forget to Bring Songbook
Now the book of songs Praise & Worship is commonly used and are sold freely on the market. Usually what is listed in books of this kind have been simplified so that sings it too easy.
Kick 4: Practicing Running Chord To sing praises
Before we can bring others to experience a wonderful time in praise & praise to Him, we must experience it first. Try to keep silence with praise to Him by using a running chord 4 / 4 such as (if playing in the key of C): CF, C-AmDm-G, F-Em-Dm-G. The more often sung, the more honed your feeling and you will be amazed at your skill development.
Kick 5; Learn the chord as a basic melody
chord is a combination of several tones are formed that produce the same sound, combined with a sound basis lainnya.chord have scales in accordance with the basic chord when the chord minor scales will adjust the minor and major conversely, an example is the combination of C Chord tones E, C, G is compiled, we can explore the chord once we know the basic chords and then develop according to desire kita.dan makes a basic chord melody of the
Kick 6: Should Self-Confidence
Confident! That's the best thing. While you are doing a lot of mistakes (especially the usually wrong key), just continue to laugh with your friends. Guaranteed, they'd all smile. in the end, not the guitar / singing we are accepted by Him, but the sincerity of our hearts .**
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