Determination of 1 Syawal today is based on the reckoning munjib and see the moon. We calculate 1 Syawal falls on this day based on the calculation that starts from the year before Eid, "said Edizon Revindo after Id prayers.
Described, the congregation Naqsyabandiyah to determine the entry and 1 month of Shawwal Rahmadan using two calculations, namely by calculating the lunar calendar back and look at the moon.
"If using the calculation method of reckoning munjib or calendar based on a count of 360 days from the beginning of Idul Fitri 2010, then for this year's Eid falls on August 29. If you look at the moon, when the moon was visible then 1 Shawwal is near," he said.
Dul-Fitr prayers at the mosque Baitul Makmur went well and although a number of pilgrims fervently pleaded not understand the sermon delivered in Arabic it.
After prayers, each of the pilgrims stay in touch and forgive each other. They also celebrated Eid in the mosque with a tasting cake that brought pilgrims from home.
Meanwhile, Central Board of Muhammadiyah has emutuskan widths coincide on Tuesday, August 30.
Session ithbat
Government in this case the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) will hold a hearing to determine ithbat fall on 1 Syawal 1432 Hijrah or Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Session will be chaired by the Minister of Religious Affairs Ali Suryadharma.
Isbath Session will begin at 16:30 GMT, Monday (8/29/2011), with a presentation ceremony of the new moon observations. After the cut by a joint iftar, the trial will be re-opened at 19.00 pm.
Most likely, the results of the trial ithbat afternoon until tonight will decide that 1 Syawal falls on Wednesday (31 / 8) future. Because, when it is impossible to be able to see the new moon.
"We've agreed with many stakeholders such as astronomers, Navy, BPPT, and astronomers because the position of the moon is very low, ie 0 degrees 8 minutes and 1 degree 53 minutes, so it is very unlikely to see the moon," said Director General of Islamic Guidance Kemenag Nasaruddin Umar told AFP.
"Thus, the possibility of a fall on Wednesday Shawwal 31," said Nasaruddin.
According Nasaruddin, he does not question among Muslims who will perform Eid prayer service on Tuesday (30 / 8), tomorrow. However, he also asked the government's decision will be respected.
Earlier, Chairman of Muhammadiyah has set a Shawwal 1432 Hijri fell on Tuesday 30 August. The decision generated by suction intrinsic wujudul moon made the Legal Affairs Committee.
High moon at sunset in Yogyakarta signifies new moon had come into being and in all parts of Indonesia at the time of sunset moon was on the horizon.
"Based on the results of computation are the central leadership to set a date Muhammadiyah 1 Syawal 1432 H falls on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 AD," said Chairman of Muhammadiyah Haedar Nasir. (Dh)
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