Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Nasa Earth like planet found

Hundreds of new planets have been discovered by NASA's new space probe, this has sparked new hope of life beyond our solar system.Up to 140 newly-discovered planets with a variety of rocky and Earth-like planets that contain both land and water, conditions that can allow a simple lifeforms to develop.Kepler's investigation - which constantly monitors more than 150,000 stars for the tell-tale planets orbiting around them - may also find five new solar system, NASA said.

Discovery: An artist's impression of the Kepler spacecraft, which uses 95 megapixel digital camera which is amazing to see far into space"Meanwhile, a complete study remains to be done, the implication is that a lot of double planet planetary systems," said William Borucki, the principle investigator.This data relates to the first six weeks after the probe mission was launched four years ago.Scientists hope the discovery will lead to the beginning of many more, including a multi-planet systems that provide better life chances to flourish.Kepler space investigations studying distant stars by monitoring the light of their issue.
Field of view: The Kepler space examined three constellations that contain 156 000The new planets orbiting such stars would block the light radiation, and this reduction was small measured and interpreted to indicate the size and nature of the object.The probe monitors the three constellation - Cygnus, Lyra and Draco uses a special telescope is equipped with 95 megapixel camera.To qualify as a candidate for the planet ', the telescope should be noted that stray light three times to ensure results that are not just anomalies.Initial findings mean the number of habitable planets in space could run into millions.

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