Minggu, 11 September 2011

Health Insurance is Right and Good

My friend a health insurance policy holders. he has used it several times and quite able to support the financing of health. I am interested to get health insurance and have tried to see some of the insurance brochure that suits my needs. I need the protection of insurance costs for outpatient and inpatient care. I am willing to pay the required premium as long as all of my needs can be met.

I am a father with two children. Wife also works, while still small children aged five and three years. In general, health insurance that I get only the expenses for curative. We want also to get protection for health care costs, including disease prevention. Now quite a lot of useful vaccines to prevent transmission of diseases such as hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis A, influenza, and to my wife human papilloma virus.

However, unfortunately most insurance does not pay for efforts to prevent this disease. In addition, I was rather surprised there is insurance that only cover the cost of hospitalization. Surely this policy will waste the cost and also makes the participants who really just need to have outpatient hospitalization. I also noticed there are diseases that are not funded by insurance, including one with HIV / AIDS. This is surprising because HIV / AIDS is one of the more obvious health problems in our country, but it can not afford insurance.

When I ask the officer answered that HIV / AIDS is a disease that his own sought because the participants infected due to poor behavior. I am really surprised in this era of open information such as this one are important health stakeholders, namely insurance companies, still do not understand the spread of HIV / AIDS. Also true of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus are also due to less healthy behaviors.

I was just a health insurance applicants, but I very much hope our health financing sector is well developed. We hope more and more sick people who are protected by insurance, so ill need not be a heavy family burden. I also longed for the insurance companies began to pay more efforts to change the paradigm of health maintenance and prevention rather than curative. Why insurance would finance the cirrhotic liver disease, but do not want to pay for hepatitis B vaccination are much cheaper and beneficial for the prevention of insurance participants? Is there an effort to communicate with health professionals so that insurance companies insurance companies in Indonesia can contribute to improving the health of society as real?


Your intention to become a participant family health insurance is a good intention. We often hear when a family member is sick, especially if to be hospitalized, the cost of care can deplete family savings can even cause a family owes.

We rejoice that the national social security will soon be realized. We hope that through these social security costs to be borne by the family if the pain will be reduced. Indeed, the insurer is more of a financial institution rather than the health institutions. However, we do expect the role of health insurance companies will increase in the maintenance of public health.

This means health insurance also had to adjust to the needs of society and government policy in health. Of course the insurance company policy changes remains to be supported by financial considerations. Because basically the purpose of insurance companies are for profit.

However, it would be wonderful if the attempt to make a profit also can have a significant impact on maintaining the health of individuals and communities. I firmly agree that education and prevention efforts have the support of health insurance costs. In many countries, the cost of vaccination in general has been financed insurance. In fact, if participants can not be vaccinated no insurance companies that charge a portion of the cost to participants due to negligence.

Insurance companies can also support healthy lifestyles by discounting premiums for participants who do not smoke, drink alcohol, exercising regularly, and ideal body weight. Today the effort to reduce healthcare costs is to promote education and prevention efforts. Also long sought hospital treatment for shortened and the service continued with outpatient services or services at home.

However, as you complain, there are still insurance companies that only want to pay if the patient is hospitalized. Regarding discrimination for some diseases has been duly removed. Each disease should receive reimbursement. More reasonable if a limited amount of medical expenses if the insurance company would not lose money.

In addition to discrimination confidential medical problems should also receive attention of insurance companies. Still quite a lot of insurance companies that ignore the obligation of keeping secrets of medicine, physicians were asked to fill a diagnosis of the disease openly allowing read by people who are not interested.

We all need to try to improve our health financing system. One of them we must strengthen the health insurance companies in Indonesia. Communication of health profession with the insurance company has already begun, but it is not enough. Still need a more intense communication to the public interest. So choose an insurance company who put the interests of participants and the community.

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